Although acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, for many people it is a new and unfamiliar form of medicine. Acupuncture is probably best known for addressing pain-related concerns, and increasingly in the past few years, for the treatment of infertility. In addition, acupuncture is beneficial in the treatment of many other concerns, including digestive health, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, asthma, allergies, stress, anxiety, and women’s health. It is also very effective for immune system support, smoking cessation, and for anti-aging treatments using cosmetic acupuncture.
An acupuncture treatment may involve more than just needles. You may also experience cupping or gua sha, techniques that increase the effectiveness of your treatment. Gua sha is a modality that I particularly like to add to acupuncture treatments. With gua sha, special tools are used to scrape the skin, somewhat like a massage. This relieves tightness and improves circulation, enhancing the overall health of the tissues in the area being treated. It may sound like a painful process, but is actually quite comfortable, and many of my patients request it for all their treatments! Acupuncture can also be used in combination with other treatment therapies such as massage or physiotherapy.
I have been practising for 11 years, after graduating from the acupuncture program at MacEwan University. I also was part of a one-month internship in China, which was an optional part of my program. It was an excellent opportunity to see how Traditional Chinese Medicine can be integrated with more modern forms of medicine. Since graduating I have completed additional training in several areas, including prenatal acupuncture, pain management techniques and gua sha techniques. I also have been trained in Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture.
My main goal is to focus on your overall health, treating the issues that are concerning you now and promoting better health in the future. Some people find the idea of needles and acupuncture stressful, or just aren’t sure if it is right for them. If you have any questions about what’s involved with an acupuncture treatment, please email me at If you would like to book an appointment, please contact the clinic at 780-395-9170. I look forward to meeting you!