RAPID NeuroFascial Reset (RAPID NFR)

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RAPID NeuroFascial Reset - EdmontonRAPID NeuroFascial Reset, (RAPID NFR), is an evidence based manual therapy technique for treatment of chronic and acute pain, as well as limited mobility. RAPID NFR therapists provide sensory input to connective tissues with manual therapy techniques and guided movement patterns, with a treatment goal of resolving pain, improving range of motion, reducing inflammation and increasing proprioception.

RAPID NFR addresses both the “chronic artifacts of inflammation” from prior injuries, as well as the biopsychosocial model of pain to aid clients in achieving pain-free results and an improved quality of life. Often the “chronic artifacts of inflammation” are leftovers from the body’s post-injury healing, and can be highly sensitizing to the nervous system, resulting in pain and dysfunction.

By applying RAPID NFR, we both down-regulate an overstimulated nervous system, which reduces tissue tension, and increase blood flow to flush out the old leftovers of inflammation, reducing nervous system sensitivity and therefore reducing pain.

Simply put, RAPID NFR enables the therapist to affect the central nervous system through highly sensitive nerve fibres to “Reset” muscle tone, tension and pain and restore quality of life through pain management and improved movement.

RAPID NFR has the potential to successfully treat many complex painful musculoskeletal complaints such as; sciatica, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, bursitis, frozen shoulder, Baker’s cysts, back pain, migraines, TMJ-D, tinnitus, arthritis, knee pain, golfer’s and tennis elbow and so much more.

Our masssage therapist Bev McLachlin at our Summerside location is trained in RAPID NFR. She can be reached at 780 395 9170. www.rapidneurofascialreset.com

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