Q: Who should use vaginal weights?
A: Vaginal weights can be helpful for those that have weakness and poor awareness of the pelvic floor. This weakness results from being post-surgical, postpartum, or never previously needing to be in “tune” with the pelvic floor. They come in a variety of different weights and can be as light as 25 grams (about the mass of 4 nickels), making them easy to adapt for those with low strength levels. Contrary to popular belief, vaginal weights can be great for the athletic population. These weights can be helpful for athletes who are nulliparous (not having had children) and engage in heavy weightlifting or high-impact sports such as volleyball or gymnastics. This practice helps train the pelvic floor to withstand the force, pressure, and impact experienced during gameplay and training.

Q: Who should NOT use vaginal weights?
A: Certain individuals are not well suited for vaginal weight training. These individuals include those with atrophic vaginitis (severe vaginal atrophy), serious vaginal dryness, those with an active vaginal infection, and those with a grade 3 or 4 pelvic organ prolapse. If you have questions about if you fall into these categories, please speak with your pelvic floor physiotherapist.
Q: How do vaginal weights work?
A: Depending on the goal vaginal weights can also increase pelvic floor awareness. The pressure of the weight on the pelvic floor gives the user sensory feedback on the location of the muscles. These weights also provide feedback when performing contractions. Using vaginal weights can also help increase the neuroplasticity of the muscles; this is the ability of the nervous system to build a relationship with the muscles. Additionally, you can use them to increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles as they provide resistance and progressive overload.
Q: Where can I buy them?
A: Our clinic carries Intimate Rose vaginal weights because of the quality and price. Intimate Rose is the only distributor that uses silicone approved by the FDA. Your clinician can make alternate suggestions should this not fit your needs.